Prayer Centre, Adingiri

Prayer centre, Adingiri was started in the year 2007 and is located in the heart of Guwahati city in the state of Assam. This prayer centre caters to the needs of the people who need counseling, prayer and fellowship.

Good Friday Message

Pastor Rev. Thomas Limbu - 10/04/2020

Click to watch video

Rev. Thomas Limbu - Good Friday Message

Our Activities

Sunday Fellowship


Pastoral Care


Fasting and Prayer

Children Sunday School

Click to watch Jesus Film!

Click to watch Magdalena Film!

Work with us!

Hands joined together in the middle of a circle
Thank you for being willing to give your time and talents to serve God. We believe that you were created with unique talents, abilities and passions. One of the most fulfilling ways to use those abilities and passions is in volunteering. There are so many incredible ways to volunteer in an area you are passionate about here at the church. When you serve, it’s rewarding to you and beneficial to those you serve. Now is the time to activate your faith and get connected! CLICK to know more.

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